About Us
Since 2013, we’ve been building relationships between individuals and rescued horses—creating opportunities to share God’s love.
Our purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus through access to horses and participation in equine-related activities.
We believe God has placed us as faithful stewards over his creation (Psalm 8:5-7). Therefore, our faith-based programs focus on creating opportunities for all ages to experience God’s love through basic horsemanship principles and safety practices within an interactive learning environment that encourages Christian growth and builds lasting relationships.
Vision: Sharing the love of Jesus through the love of horses.
Values: Hope, Encouragement, Restoration, Discipleship
H: Here to listen and provide hope (Romans 15:13)
E: Encouraging wholesome, Christ-centered relationships (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
R: Restoration rooted in Jesus’ name (Psalms 51:12)
D: Fostering a culture of love and discipleship (John 8:31)